just use auto-tune already

Regardless of how good we are at singing or playing, there’s bound to be mistakes or little things we want to change after we’ve captured a good take. We know there are those of you that might look down on these tools because there’s a stigma that autotune or post production editing takes away from the actual performance ability of musicians. If that’s your opinion, you’re 100% entitled to it and power to you for trying to achieve the best result purely with your skill as an artist. However, for most of us, we just want to hear our song the best it possibly can be and these techniques will be invaluable, often leaving you with a result that is both inspiring and gratifying beyond belief. Andrew is going to take it over here and show you how to tune vocals and perform some basic editing in order to tighten up our tracks and make our whole production just a bit cleaner. Feel free to use the tracks we’ve provided and follow along, or use your own tracks to apply these techniques as we move forward.

As you can hear from the before and after, these techniques can yield some incredible results. Especially if you’re producing for someone other than yourself, being able to perform these editing skills could be the difference between a happy client or one that really just wishes they had worked with a different producer. If you’re just producing yourself, you can take it or leave it, but I know I just want to hear my music in the best version of itself it possibly can be and if it take a little editing here or there, so be it! This isn’t a course on being the best musician in the room afterall, it’s about being a great producer, and the ability to tune and edit tracks should be in every producers back pocket wether you choose to use them or not. In the next video, we’re going to dive into some of the basic utility tools you can use to start really getting all your tracks to vibe together and create a cohesive production.


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